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Refrigerant Leaks: Serious AC Trouble!

There may be something to taking the occasional risk but, if you ask us, they’re never worth taking with your air conditioning system! With summers as hot and humid as ours are, you really need your AC to be fully functional at…

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What Makes an AC Installation a Success?

Well, the air conditioner is installed.  And it seems to be working—starting up, cooling, shutting down. So that’s a success, right? Well, not necessarily.Today, we are going to talk about what really constitutes a complete success when it comes to installing an air…

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Why Is My Heater So Inefficient?

Heating your home is a necessary practice, even here in Atlanta. Those not from around here may think that it is warm year-round, but we know this is not the case. Our heaters may not be used as extensively as…

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New AC Installation? Why Wait?

Your initial air conditioning installation in Atlanta is completed on a pretty obvious schedule. It should be installed, up and running before you move into your home. Why? Well, because we’re talking about Atlanta here, and it is way too…

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Why Is My AC Leaking Water?

If you know a little bit about the ways in which your air conditioner works to cool your home, then you probably already know that a refrigerant leak is one of the most serious problems that you may encounter. What…

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Is It Time to Replace My Air Conditioner?

Hopefully, if this is the year for an AC replacement, you’ve already gotten that out of the way. Why? Because it’s only getting hotter! That being said, don’t fret too much if you’re still deciding whether or not to replace your air…

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Why Schedule My Heating Repairs Now?

Okay, so it is getting pretty late in the heating season. That does not mean that you should put your heater out of mind just yet, though. There are still some chilly temperatures in the forecast, particularly at nighttime, so…

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Should I Replace My Heater?

As you can see from the title of this post, we’re diving right into it this time around. To replace or not to replace, that is—well, it’s something that most homeowners have wondered before. A new heating system represents a pretty considerable…

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Is a Ductless Mini-Split Right for Me?

It very well could be! There are a lot of benefits that you’ll enjoy as a result of switching over to a ductless mini-split in Canton, GA. We’ll get into those in more detail below. Before we do so, we just…

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How Do Heat Pumps Heat?

Living in Atlanta means experiencing hot, muggy weather throughout the long summer season. While your air conditioner definitely sees more time on the playing field than your heater does, though, you cannot afford to overlook the importance of having a great heating…

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