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How UV Germicidal Lights Clean Air in Homes and Hospitals

Thanks to advanced learning and scientific discoveries, we’ve known for a long time that even microscopic organisms can have an immense impact on our health and comfort. Harmful microorganisms can aggravate allergies, trigger asthma, and make us severely ill. Some,…

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Can Air Filters Help Protect Me from the Coronavirus?

In the last week, national and global concerns about the Coronavirus have risen to a fever pitch. Ever since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Covid-19 Coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, panic has spread across the United States. For many,…

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What’s Going on with the 2020 Freon Ban?

The HVAC industry has been abuzz over the past few months about the recent changes to Freon regulations. Some providers are hoarding the substance, while many customers have started to question whether they are even allowed to run their air…

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How Can I Improve the Air Quality in My Home?

Are you tired of experiencing allergy-like symptoms in your home? No one should have to experience coughing, sneezing, or respiratory discomfort because the quality of the air in their house is poor. Luckily, there are a few things you can…

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How Do Ductless Mini-Split AC Systems Work?

Thanks to ductless mini-split ACs, many homeowners are enjoying money savings, increased comfort, and improved air quality. These energy-efficient air conditioning systems allow you to regulate the temperature in each individual zone of your house. Whether you already have this…

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Repair or Replace: Is It Time for an Upgrade?

To repair or not to repair, that is the question!We’ve been in the business for 40 years, so we know what we’re talking about when we tell you an upgrade will be way more efficient than constant repairs on your…

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Why is MY AC Making This Sound?

If you’re reading this, you probably have experienced the “hissing” or “bubbling” noise of an air conditioner. Most homeowners think that this is just a standard noise of their AC unit, like the revving of a car engine. However, take…

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Is Your AC Blowing Warm Air?

There are some problems homeowners encounter with their air conditioning systems that don’t really exhibit much in the way of symptoms. That is often why air conditioners wind up seriously damaged—homeowners don’t realize what’s going on, and then they schedule…

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AC FAQ: Why Is My System Shutting Down So Much?

It’s a frustrating problem. Your air conditioner cycles on starts to cool your home and to provide you with some relief from the heat, but then it cycles back down again before much headway can be made. What gives?Well, this…

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