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What Is a Ventilation Control System?

  The Importance of Ventilation A well-designed ventilation system is the key to an efficient heating and air conditioning unit. In fact, if you don't have a good ventilation system in your home, it will be like trying to run…

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What Are the Advantages to Standard Tank Water Heaters?

If you are currently looking to replace your home’s water heater, then you are probably already of the option of installing a tankless system. Tankless water heaters have numerous advantages which have made them an increasingly popular option for U.S.…

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Are Solar Panels Hard to Repair?

These thoughts might have occurred to you when you looked at a large array of solar panels pointing toward the sky from the roof of a house or from a large industrial enclosure: “Wouldn’t it be very easy for those…

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What Are HEPA Filters?

Air filtration in homes is no longer a luxury; it’s becoming a necessity to allow for fresh and safe indoor air for homes that have heavy air sealing to preserve their energy efficiency. Although you can open up doors and…

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Solar vs. Geothermal: Which One Is Better?

Here in Atlanta, there are many different ways to heat your home, including some environmentally friendly options. Geothermal systems utilize the constant temperature beneath the earth to warm you home, while solar panels can collect the energy in sunlight to provide energy for heating.…

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