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What Can You Do to Help Your AC Last Longer?

Weather is starting to warm up around these parts, and if you haven’t already you’ll likely be thinking of starting to use your air conditioning system. Have you given much consideration to the quality of your air conditioner though?Naturally, since…

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Avoid These Common Ductless Cooling System Problems

With temperatures steadily increasing, we can no longer ignore the fact that it’s almost time to turn on our air conditioners. Hopefully, you’ve taken the time to schedule your ductless cooling system maintenance appointment already. If not, it’s never too…

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Does Your Geothermal Cooling System Need Repair?

The advent of geothermal heating and cooling in recent years has brought a high level of energy-efficiency to homes throughout the country. These durable systems can endure for over 50 years, provided how they are used and how they are…

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Should You Invest in UV Germicidal Lights?

In our blog post last week, we discussed the ill effects that too much humidity can have on your health as well as your home. One of the problems that excess moisture can cause is the development of mold and…

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Improve Your Indoor Air Quality with a Dehumidifier

Residents of North Carolina are all too familiar with humidity. With spring already upon us and summer following soon enough, homeowners will look to their air conditioners to get relief from the hot and sticky temperatures. What if there was…

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Why Does an AC Unit Even Produce Water?

Water, Water Everywhere…With Spring just a few weeks away from this very mild winter, the temperatures will begin to warm up. In Georgia that means you might need that AC running a bit early this year. Hopefully you have been…

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How Does a Whole-House Humidifier Work?

A whole-house humidifier is a very effective installation to help with comfort during the winter. There is often much less moisture in the air during this season (furnaces often contribute to drying out the air), and that adds an unpleasant…

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