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How to Avoid Common Summer HVAC System Failures

Problems don't usually become better because they were ignored and allowed to fester and persist unabated. Your HVAC system is no different. If you suspect your air conditioning is performing poorly, the soon you contact a specialist, the sooner they…

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How Old Is Your A/C Unit? Here’s How to Tell.

A/C units tend to work overtime in the summer months. As temperatures rise, these air-cooling systems run all day to make sure every family can live in comfortable living conditions. But if your unit starts to experience malfunctions it could…

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Do I Need to Refill My Freon?

No. Despite what anyone says, you do not need to refill or replace the Freon in your home’s A/C unit. Manipulative HVAC companies love to inform you that Freon is what will help keep your air cool. But, in all…

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