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It’s Winter: How Is Your Humidity?

Living in Georgia means not just hot summer weather, but the weather that can be quite humid as well. Because we get so much humidity in the summer season, it can be easy to overlook the potential problems that low humidity in the winter can lead to. There are a lot of factors that are going to influence the overall level of humidity in your home, and you may not encounter issues with low humidity at all. Still, it is important to know the warning signs.If you do suspect that you have low humidity levels in your home, you may want to think twice about going out to the closest hardware store and picking up a portable humidifier. These devices are fine for humidifying, say, the baby’s nursery or other single rooms in the house. If you want to humidify your entire house effectively, conveniently, and efficiently, however, we strongly recommend that you use a whole-house humidifier in Canton, GA.

Signs of Low Humidity

We mentioned low humidity in the winter seasons specifically above, but you should keep in mind the fact that low humidity can strike at any time of the year—even during the summer when humidity levels are very high outside. That is due to the fact that you’ll likely be running your air conditioner pretty much nonstop at that time of the year, and doing so can have a dehumidifying effect on the air in your house. Here are a few warning signs of low humidity to look out for, regardless of what time of the year it may be.

  • Dry, itchy skin. Much more than a minor annoyance, the drying out of your skin could be due to the dry air surrounding you leeching moisture out of it. Eventually, your skin may become dry enough to crack and split in a painful manner.
  • Frequent sore throats and bloody noses. Have you noticed that your throat is dried out and sore frequently? Have bloody noses become common in your household? This is not normal, and you should not ignore the problem. Adding humidity to the air may be the solution that you’re after.
  • Chipping paint/splitting floorboards. As you can tell from the examples given above, very dry air can have a lot of negative effects on your body. It can also negatively affect your property itself, too. It can cause the paint to chip and wooden fixtures/furniture/floorboards to split.

Go the Whole-House Route

When you need to humidify the dry air in your home, you don’t want to be constantly refilling water tanks in portable humidifiers, and you don’t want to be moving a humidifier throughout the house. Use a whole-house humidifier instead. These systems integrate right into your HVAC system, allowing you to humidify the air in your home with great convenience and efficacy. These systems do require a professional installation, though, so be sure to leave that to us.